Thommessen First Law Firm in Norway to Offer Maigon DPA and NDA AI to Clients
Innovation takes courage to see the glass as half full!
Excited to announce our collaboration with Thommessen, the first law firm in Norway to offer an AI solution from Maigon.io for reviewing and approving DPA and NDA contracts.
With our AI tool, we're revolutionizing the preparation and review of legal documents, making it up to 90% more efficient compared to manual review.
Thanks to the valuable feedback from Thommessen and their clients, we are constantly improving our AI to focus on what is most important in a data processing agreement or NDA.
It has been both educating, interesting and fun to work with top tier law firm Thommessen's innovation group with Trine Melsether and Ilse Johansen and their eminent tech lawyers Uros Baarlid Tosinovic, Rikke Tveit Sletten and Kristine Margaret Fagerlund on this exciting project.
With the AI-technology and solution as core, our CTO Sergii Shcherbak and Knut-Magnar Aanestad has contributed from us in developing a specific Thommessen tool to add to their client-facing digital service portfolio, Thommessen Flow. At Maigon, we are particularly proud and humble that Thommessen has seen the potential in our solution and invested in making it part of who they are and what they do.